Thursday, September 15, 2011

Faith, Hope and all that

How do you know when you have found your faith and can begin to look forward with hope? It comes after many years of grappling with the same thought patterns and then all of the sudden something just clicks. It's as though you've outgrown all of those tired messages your mind has played over since you were old enough to think. Time to try something new on. I'm tired of feeling inferior and unworthy and inconsequential. Tired. So it's time for a new trick. It's taken me quite a while to get here and I realize that this journey is part of my soul's path. Why? I'm not sure yet. But I am grateful for the opportunity to have come this far and am only starting to count my blessings as outweighing my negatives. That's exhilarating.  And life affirming. I think I'll stop for now and just savor the moment.